Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Appointment Update

We had Dom's appointment today. Here's his stats:

Weight: 18 lbs (97th percentile)
Height: 26 1/2" (75th to 90th percentile - quite the range...)
Head Circ: I forget what it was right now...it's in the 25th to 50th percentile though.

He can start spoon feeding! Yay! We are starting with rice cereal just to get the hang of the spoon and then we get to start veggies, introducing one every 4 days to make sure he doesn't have any allergies. I'm very excited about this.

I also asked about the cough he's had for over a month and she said his chest sounds good so not to worry, so that's good news!

All around it was a good appt. and we go back on July 31st for his 6 month checkup.

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