Friday, November 5, 2010

Study Group

Last night, two girls from my API class and I met up to study. We have a lab practical exam on Saturday about the muscles of the body. We have 54 muscles we have to be able to locate, identify, spell correctly (which is harder than one might think), and say what it does. That's a lot to know. I completely understand WHY I need to know this, but it's a lot to learn. Since it's a "one day a week" class and we are missing a few weeks because of holidays, we have a lab practical once every three weeks. So we've only had two classes to learn these muscles...Not a lot of time.

One of the girls suggested getting a blank piece of paper and just listed as many as we can and see how we do. It didn't start off pretty, but by the end of the night I could identify (and kind of spell correctly) about 51 of the 54 muscles...that's a start!

Just to give you a quick idea of what they are, I'm going to try and name them right now...we'll see how much I remember from last night. Probably not a lot!

Here we go:
Upper body:
1) Frontalis
2) Orbicularis Oculi
3) Orbicularis Oris
4) Masseter
5) Bucceter - way off - Buccinator
6) Sternocleidomastoid
7) Splenus Capitus - spelled wrong - Splenius Capitus
8) External Oblique
9) Internal Oblique
10) Rectus Abdominus - spelled wrong - Rectus Abdominis
11) Transversus Abdominus - spelled wrong - Transversus Abdominis
12) Lattimus Dorsi - spelled wrong - Latissimus Dorsi
13) Deltoid
14) Biceps Brachii
15) Triceps Brachii
16) Brachialis
17) Pectoralis Major
18) Pectoralis Minor
19) External Intercostals
20) Internal Intercostals
21) Diaphragm
22) Trapezius
23) Pronator Teres
24) Supinator
25) Subscapularis
26) Infraspinitus - spelled wrong - Infraspinatus
27) Supraspinitus - spelled wrong - Supraspinatus
28) Teres major
29) Teres Minor
30) Flexor Digitorum Superficialis
31) Extensor Digitorum
32) Serratus Anterior
33) Extensor Carpi Ulnaris

Yeah, and I'm out... I'm not even sure those are right. I'll check them but let me dive right into the lower body, just for fun. There are only 21 lower body muscles:
Lower Body:
1) Psoas Major
2) Illiacus
3) Rectus Femoris
4) Gracilis
5) Adductor Longus
6) Adductor Magnus
7) Vastus Lateralis
8) Vastus Medialis
9) Vastus Intermedius
10) Tensor Fascia Latae
11) Sartorius
12) Gluteus Maximus
13) Gluteus Medius
14) Gastrocnemius
15) Semitendinosus
16) Semimembranous
17) Tibialis Anterior
18) Fibular Longus - wrong name - Fibularis Longus
19) Fibular Brevus - wrong name and spelled wrong - Fibularis Brevis
20) Extensor Digitorum Longus
21) Biceps Femoris

That's right! I remember all the lower. Woot Woot! :)

Now, half of those are probably spelled wrong, but I'm getting there! And that study group really paid off! Now if I can just remember where they are....and what they do.... hmmm....

Ok, after correcting it, I did ok....I still have another 30 hours approximately to study, so I'll get back to it!

Wish me luck! :)


Sara said...

OMG good luck! My favorite is: Tesnor Fascia Latae.

Ashley said...

Your super woman, I'm so proud of you!