Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Today is not a good day for me. I feel awful.

It started yesterday...I woke up feeling like my throat had been rubbed raw with sandpaper. My throat hurt, my head was pounding, and I just plain felt awful. I went to Schnucks and loaded up on cough drops and Zicam.

Work was ok. Not my best day but not my worst. I relaxed all night and went to bed hoping to feel much better today.

My throat feels better. Much better actually. But I'm having some menstrual like cramps that come fairly frequently. My whole stomach (in the front and fairly low) cramps up and I feel sick. Then it goes away. Then it comes back. It's been going on since about 7:30.

I think this has to be Braxton Hicks because they aren't getting more intense. They are definitely cramps of some kind. I just don't know if they are contractions or not... I haven't been moving, I've been sitting the whole time. I've drank a lot of water. They are still coming and going...

I don't want to call my doctor because I'm afraid they will make me go in (and miss more work, etc.) just to find out that no, I'm not contracting, I'm fine, go home and "relax".

But I don't want to NOT go if something is seriously going on. This is getting a little intense. We're right at three hours of these pains. If I still have them around 12:30 or so, I might call...

What would you do?


Ashley said...

I would not go or call unless they are consistant, clost together, and get worse... It could be lots of things, tired ness, your body just being weird since you took some meds... something you ate...

I have to go to a wake before I meet you with Will, so call or text me if something chagnes!

Sarah said...

I hope you are feeling better! That sounds really miserable. I agree that I wouldn't call unless they get stronger or more consistent.

Laura said...

any way you can go in after work just to make sure everything's okay?

Camille said...

Drink lots of water. Contractions can happen from dehydration. However, preterm labor feels like a period (trust me, I learned that well this past pregnancy). I'm not one of those sit around and see what happens type of I say call them. I think its better to know nothing is wrong than for it to be too late.