Thursday, October 21, 2010


Before Dominick was born, one of the things we registered for was a sleep noise machine. One of those that has all the different natural sounds, like rain, ocean, womb, thunderstorm, etc. Dom didn't like it to much but we wanted him to be used to noise so we resorted to a simple radio in his room.

So that noise machine was just sitting in storage for the last year and a half.

Nick likes to listen to the radio at night. I can't stand that. I don't sleep with the radio on. I can't sleep with the radio on.

So Nick found this machine the other night. I need noises to be constant, like a fan or something like that. So we've compromised on the "rain" setting.

I think it's TOO good...You know how when you wake up and it's raining, all you want to do is snuggle more and stay in bed?? THAT'S WHAT'S HAPPENING!

Every morning I start to stir and I hear the rain and I get deeper into my covers and fall back asleep. This morning, I turned off my alarm without realizing it! I normally get up around 6:30 and woke up today at 7:12! Oops!

This thing is amazing. All adults should have one. Even though it's hard to get up sometimes, it makes for the best nights of sleep ever...

Although I should warn you. It has two downsides:
1) if you love to sleep to thunderstorms, and your dogs are afraid of thunderstorms, they will still be afraid of this setting and bark at the machine and try to hide under the bed.
2) after you snuggle deeper into the covers in the morning with the rain setting, your second thought will be "damn, I don't want to let the dogs out because they are going to get wet!" and you have a moment of pure annoyance before you realize it's just the machine.

Don't say you haven't been warned... ;-)


Kate Geisen said...

Oh, that does sound dangerous! I never want to get up...certainly don't need any more help in that department. :)

Ashley said...

Haha!!!!!! Will has one nd we put it on ocean the sound comes through the monitor and I can't say we mind it :)