Dominick caught a cold from Cecilia. It's so sad. When he breathes heavy through his sweet little nose. Or when he coughs. Or when his nose runs. I feel so bad for him.
And what do you do for a one month old with a cold? Do you give him anything? We are cleaning out his nose with a bulb syringe, but other than that what should I be doing? Any tips??
Thanks in advance!
I am Crystal Mueller's friend and I met you at Ashley's Bachelorette Party. My son had a cold at 1 month and the doctor told us to use saline drops in his nose to clean it out. You can buy it at Walgreens and it's called "Little Noses." It is in a white bottle with a purple label I think.
Thanks Jenn. We bought that and the pediatrician told us to use a little pedialyte too.
Congrats on your baby boy!
I hope Dominick feels better really soon!!! There's definately something going around, I have been sick for over a week myself. Pedialyte is great stuff, even for adults! Get well little Dominick :)
I hope Dom's feeling better. Laurel has a cold, too :( It's so hard!
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