Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Just Because

I was reading a friend's blog and I realized that I haven't blogged in a long time! So here's a quick post.

Not too much is new. We are still adjusting every day. I think that Dominick has his days and nights confused. During the day he can go for 3-5 hours in between feedings. But at night, he is wanting to eat every 2 hours. This makes things hard for me. Nick is working and I am not so we have the deal that I get up with him during the week so Nick can get as much sleep as possible and he gets up on the weekends (I try to help though since if I didn't, he'd never get to sleep in).

I don't know if feeding him more frequently during the day would help, or if Dom is really just craving attention and interaction. Today my goal is to try and feed him every 3 hours on the dot and not let him sleep longer and delay a feeding. Maybe then he'll start sleeping through the night?!

Another thing that is going on! I got a call yesterday from the company that did his newborn photos at the hospital. Apparently, with the package I bought I got a free 8 x 10 for when he's a month old. So they called yesterday and told me that they are coming by between 12:30-1:30 today to take the picture. They come to you since the baby is still so young. So yay! I get a professional picture for his one month. I'll have to go and buy some frames and start hanging pictures up around the house!

I think that's really all the news I have. I'll try to be better with posting. And I'll try to take more pictures too.


Les said...

Aw you have to post his 1 month picture when you get it back! Glad to hear things are going well, even though Dom's a little nocturnal right now.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you guys are having a hard time getting some sleep. I will think of you when I am taking my afternoon naps with no problems. I do hope you get his clock set. When do you go back to work?

Love ya,
