Wednesday, August 17, 2011

"That's Awesome!"

I was listening to the radio this morning (Mason and Remy on the Bull in case you were wondering) and they were talking about a blog they found online. It's called A Thousand Awesome Things. Or maybe 1,000 Awesome Things. Something like that. In this blog, the person just lists things that they think are awesome. And not boring things like Airplanes or something but like "Tripping and realizing no one saw you - Awesome". That kind of thing.

They had people call in and say what they thought were awesome things. One woman called in and said that her son was in bootcamp and she didn't get to talk to him often and last night she got a surprise phone call from him. That IS awesome. I agreed with her.

Another woman called in and said that when she was shopping and went to check out, the cashier forgot to ring in half her stuff and she didn't have to pay for it...I kind of vote for not awesome, but stealing on that one, but whatever.

But here is mine.

I was talking to my mom and she mentioned that my Dad knew my stove and computer were broken. When she asked my Dad how he knew those things, he replied that he had read my blog.

Now THAT'S awesome.

I love you Daddy! :) I hope you keep reading!

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