Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Remembering 9/11

I just watched a documentary that I had taped on Sunday. It was a documentary by 2 guys who were following Engine House 7 in New York on 9/11/01. I had never seen anything like this footage before.

You could actually see the first plane fly straight into the first World Trade Center tower. You could see debris and dust and pieces of building or airplane flying everywhere. You could hear people screaming. You could see people running, crying, frantically calling family and friends on their cell phones. And, in my opinion, one of the worst parts, you could hear people hit the pavement as they jumped from the building 80 stories above.

I'm one of those people who actually don't remember too much about that day. I remember where I was of course, but I don't remember much about it.

I was a junior in high school and I was at home. My parents were out of town and my sister was "watching" me from her apartment. I felt very sick and had been up much of the night ill so I called my sister early that morning (like 7 ish) and asked if I could stay home from school. She said yes and called me in sick and told me she'd be over in a few hours. I went back to bed.

I woke up a few hours later to someone banging on the back patio door. It was my boyfriend at the time, Andy. He went to college pretty close to my house and I don't know how he knew I was home but he came over. I opened the door and he didn't even look at me. He went straight to the TV and turned it on. I started to go back downstairs to my room and he told me to come and watch.

I remember I didn't believe it. Not like I thought it was an accident or anything. I knew this was an attack. But I was in such shock.

My sister had just moved back from New York. She called me and told me that she wouldn't be out for awhile. She was calling as many people as she could in New York. She knew her apartment building was close enough to see the towers and wanted to make sure her friends were ok.

I just sat on the couch.

I remember trying to get a hold of my parents. I knew they were in West Virginia or something like that and NOT in New York, Washington or Pennsylvania but I still wanted to hear their voices.

I can't even begin to imagine what those people faced that day. The innocent people in the towers. The innocent people on those airplanes. Those brave fire fighters and police officers and all volunteers in those areas that were attacked. Those INCREDIBLY brave people aboard United Flight 93.

They are truly heroes.

Never Forget

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