Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Monitoring Update

Yesterday was a monitoring appointment...it didn't go well.

I left work at 3ish to go to my 3:30 appointment. I got there in time and waited until they called my name. When it was my turn, we headed back to the ultrasound room first to check my fluid. It was still high but at least back in the normal range. Again, it is supposed to be between 10-20 cm and yesterday mine was at 18 cm. So high, but normal high. Nothing to be too concerned with there.

Then we hooked me up to the monitors and started the non-stress test. I needed to get 2 accelerations again. An acceleration is when the baby's heart rate increases by at least 15 beats per minute and stays that way for at least 15 seconds. Right away I got a good one. Her heart rate increased by 20 beats per minute and stayed that way for 30 seconds. So I just had to get another one...

That didn't happen. I stayed hooked up to those monitors for 40 minutes. Nothing. Except a few contractions...but no more accelerations.

So, we had to do another biophysical profile. Again, just a reminder, but the BPP is measuring 5 things, each worth 2 points. 1) Fluid (which I passed - so 2 points for me), 2) NST (or heart accelerations - which I failed, so I'm still at 2 points), 3) muscle tone (fists opening and closing or flexing legs and arms), 4) movement (any squirms or wiggles), and 5) practice breathing (where the baby's diaphragm moves along with breathing motions). You have 30 minutes to get all of these things measured. After 30 minutes, that's your score. You can't look for more things.

So we got started. She started with the hardest one for baby's, breathing. Well Baby A was going to town! She was practicing her breathing great! So I got another 2 points. Up to 4 now.

At this point I asked the nurse what happens if you don't get the right amount of points. She said if you get 8 out of 10, that's practically a 10 and you get to go home. If you get 6 out of 10, they usually send you home but want you to come back the next day in case something is wrong. If you get 4 out of 10, they admit you to the hospital and go from there.

So we were at 4. I needed movement and muscle tone. Wouldn't you know it, but Baby A stopped moving. Wouldn't even turn her head. She was snoozing or something because she was done. I was getting freaked out. I knew she was ok. But I didn't want to be admitted to the hospital. I was a little worried about her, but I feel her a lot so I really knew in my heart she was fine, she just needed to show it!

With 5 minutes to go, she started opening and closing her fists and wiggling around. Thank goodness. So I got an 8 out of 10.

The nurse left to tell the doc and see what he said. She told me that since it took so long, he still might want me to come back the next day. I was hoping he didn't need me to since I've been missing so much work and only have a few weeks to go. When she came back she told me that the doc was with a patient and she didn't want me to wait any longer. She told me to assume that I didn't need to come in until my next appointment but she'd call me if anything changed. I took that opportunity to take off! I left and will be going back on Thursday.

I'm hoping that everything continues to go ok. Even though I keep failing these NST's, she's moving very well and I take that as a good sign. Again, I hope to learn more from my doc on Thursday.

Either way, just 2 weeks and 2 days at the most!

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