Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Annabelle is doing so good at night!! Now don't get me wrong, she's a stinker from about 5 pm to 9pm, but after that, she is so good! First off, I love our pediatrician. When we went for her one week check up, our pediatrician told us that since she was definitely growing, we don't need to wake her up for feedings at all at night. If she wakes up, obviously feed her, but don't wake her up. So we didn't. At first, it didn't matter, she was still waking up every 2 hours to eat, which was fine. But these last two nights have been great!

We've been staying up until midnight and then putting her down. Two nights ago she went down at 11:45 and was up at 3:30 and then 6:30 and then up for the day at 8:30. That's not bad!

Last night was even better! She went down at midnight, She got up at 4 to eat. Then slept until 7:50. Holy cow!! It was fantastic! :)

I'm very proud of my big girl!!

And Dominick is still doing GREAT in his new room in the toddler bed. My kiddos are so perfect right now!


Ashley said...

WOW thats awesome!!! :)

We did the same thing with Will, once he was back to his birth weight we didnt wake him!

So glad all is going so well!

Sarah said...

What a sweet thing. She's going to get you all suckered in just in time for the 3 week growth spurt! :) Sounds like things are going great.