Thursday, March 31, 2011

Trying to remember

I remember things being easier with Dom...I blogged more. I had more free time. I don't remember being so incredibly exhausted ALL THE TIME. I guess that's just what happens when you have two kids. I wonder what it feels like when you have three!? My uncle said to me the other day, "Two kids aren't twice as hard...they are three times as hard." Amen to that. It's so true. But I'm trying to keep it all together. I'm trying to remember to pull food to defrost for dinner and clean up the toys and do the laundry and just recover. I'm still in some pain from the surgery. But we're making it. Dom was such a helpful boy this morning. He got me the boppy to feed Annabelle and grabbed a diaper for himself. When I dropped him off at daycare, I was so excited because I wanted to get him back into a routine, but when I left he was crying for me and that broke my heart. I think we're getting there. We're almost into OUR routine and I think just a few more weeks away from really getting it together. And then I'll have more time to blog... ;-)

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