Friday, July 31, 2009

6 month check up

I took Dom to the dr. today. Here are his stats:

Height: 29" long
Weight: 21 lbs. 8 oz.

He is doing great. He is sitting up on his own (with limited falling over). His top gums are swollen and should be getting those top teeth in the next few weeks (key word "should"). We can start all number 2 foods. Or thicker food. So as soon as we're done with the fruits we can do meats.

So his development and everything is good. The appointment was not though. Dominick was upset the whole time. He cried before the doctor came in and after the doctor left and he cried SO hard for his shots. It actually made me cry and the told me to take my time and gave me a tissue. It was so sad.

But he's sleeping it off now and everything is good! I'm very happy that he's doing so well! Three more months until his next check-up!

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