Thursday, November 12, 2009

The craziest day ever

was yesterday.

We decided to have Nick's sister in law do some pictures of Dominick and we were doing those yesterday at 3:30. Well, Nick was off for Veteran's Day and was going to get Dom and head over to the park and I would meet up after work. My mom was bringing Cecilia and my sis was going to meet there after work too. Well Nick got tied up so I rushed out of work to get Dom, change him into a cute outfit and meet at the park. When I got home and changed Dom, Nick was pulling up so he just rode with us.

The photo shoot went great. Dom got a little annoyed toward the end so we didn't get a good family shot but the ones of him I'm sure will be fantastic. Cecilia even smiled for a few! So that was good. When we left to head home, Nick said he wanted to go out to eat and have a nice night out. I said sure. But that wasn't in the cards.

We got home and Dom was tired. So tired but he was fighting it. He wouldn't go down. So we kept him up. I figured he would be up all night, fussy but up, and then sleep all night. WRONG.

Around 6:30 I knew he had to go down, even if just for an hour. So I changed him into some pj's and put him down. And he slept...and slept...and slept...

Nick and I watched the CMA's (which were amazing) and finally decided on getting Taco Bell/McDonald's for our "nice night out". I went and got the food and came home and finished watching the CMA's. At 10:30 we headed up to bed. Dominick was still out like a light, but I knew he needed an overnight diaper. So we got him up and changed him and gave him a small bottle while he was up. So far so good.

He did go right back down. Until around midnight. When he lost his binky. So Nick went in and put it back in his mouth. Back to bed. Then comes 1 am. Lost his binky again and now he's really annoyed. My turn. I go in, put his binky back in and go back to bed. That wasn't enough. I went in and rocked him in the rocker until he fell back asleep. That worked until about 4 am. Nick's turn. Nick went and did the same thing. Back to bed.

5:30 rolls around. We decide to give Dom a bottle and change him. He had a soaked diaper and drank his bottle and then he was up. But we were not. So we put him back in bed with some toys and books. Dom played in his crib until I got him ready to go at 7.

I have no idea what this will do to his sleep schedule. Hopefully not much! I'm really hoping that tonight will be a good night and we'll be back to normal.

I'll let you know as soon as I see some of the pictures! ♥ ♥

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