Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Scariest "Episode" Yet

Dominick passed out again last night. But this time it was terrifying.

Nick and Dominick were playing on the couch in our new part of the kitchen. Dommie was laying on his back and Nick was tickling him. Nick turned his head for just a few seconds and Dominick rolled off the couch. Now, normally Dom is really good about getting on and off the couch. He turns and goes slow feet first to get down, but this time he just rolled over and fell right off.

I think it scared him more than it hurt him. He had a red mark on his shoulder and a small red mark on his cheek, but I don't think he landed too badly. It was loud though and it scared him.

He started screaming and I left the stove and ran over to help Nick. After one or two good screams, Dom held his breath. We tried blowing on his face (which supposedly surprises the child and has them take a breath) and that didn't work. We tried talking to him, rocking him, but he wouldn't breathe. He held his breath for almost a minute.

Then he passed out. Now when I said he passed out the previous two times, it was nothing like this. Those times, he held his breath and then his eyes rolled back and his head bobbed and before his head would hit my shoulder, he would be opening his eyes again. It would take him a few minutes to get back to normal but he was breathing pretty much right away after the whole incident started.

Not this time. His eyes rolled back and his head fell back and he was out cold. Nick pulled Dom's head to his shoulder and we waited...and waited and waited. Dominick was out cold for about 30 seconds. This may be a short time to you, but when you are watching your child and waiting for him to wake back up, it's an eternity.

Luckily he woke back up and although he was still upset, we could tell he was fine. I held him for the next 15-20 minutes, nice and close and when it was time for us to eat dinner, he was talking and laughing again.

Every time something like this happens, it just makes me love him even more, if that's possible. I can't believe how much I love that little man and I would do anything and everything for him. I'm an extremely lucky person that I get to be his mother.

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