Tuesday, December 16, 2008


So we graduated from Baby Class last night! Well they don't call it graduating. That's just what I'm calling it for fun. I keep telling Nick that since we graduated we can officially have kids! We "completed" baby class last night. Nick was extremely excited.

This was a really fun class because we got to bring snacks and eat the whole time. And let me tell you, pregnant people and husbands forced to be at baby class like to eat! We had so many good things. Our teacher handed out a list of all of our names and email addresses (if we chose to be on that list) so we could keep in touch. I'm glad we got that because there are a few recipes from last night that I have to get.

We had a pediatrician come and talk to us. That was a quick presentation but it was good. We learned about taking the baby's temperature and when to go to the doctor right away and when we could wait. We learned about medications that are ok for newborns and we learned about immunizations. I also asked her about traveling and she said that infants travel quite well. She doesn't recommend taking an infant on a plane until they are two months old but it can be done. And she has no problem with traveling by car. (Nick was excited about this - we're trying to decide to go on the family ski trip in March). I'll talk more to my doc about that today.

After the pediatrician left we had the rest of our newborn care class. We spent a lot of time discussing SIDS and ways to prevent it.

We got out of class a little early and that was it. We're done!

I know that you don't HAVE to take a class and I know Nick really didn't like it (mainly because it's on a Monday after working 10 hours) but I think it was completely worth it. It was very informative and I feel so much more prepared for childbirth after taking the class. I have my breathing exercises down pat! I also think it was good for Nick to see the stuff in class. Nick doesn't do too well seeing me in pain. He tells me to "get over it", usually. This way he saw a video of an actual birth and knows it's gonna hurt and to try and be more supportive. He's been great so far and I expect him to be just as supportive on the big day.

6 down, 0 to go! Woohoo!

1 comment:

Crystal Mueller said...

Congratulations, you little graduate you! Greg and I have our first class on Sunday - I hope my doctor tells me I can go!