Tuesday, June 8, 2010


So I had my IUI yesterday. I think it went well. Or as well as I can think it went before knowing the actual results.

The whole experience was 100% different from last time. I felt good when I got up. I never threw up. Nick and I were talking and laughing on the way home instead of me holding a bag in front of me. It was good.

Now I basically just wait. I have to start taking a hormone supplement on Thursday and I can test in approximately two weeks. I know two weeks isn't a long time, but to me it's an eternity. I want to know now if it's positive and I don't want to know at all if it's negative. It's hard waiting, knowing that if it's negative we are waiting at least 3 full months to try again. But I have faith.

I went to church on Sunday. First time in months. I enjoyed it. The gospel was the story of Jesus and the Disciples with thousands of people listening to Jesus preach. When it was time to eat, there was only a few fish and few loaves of bread. The people were divided into groups of fifty and given some bread and fish. When everyone had eaten as much as they needed, there were enough remains to fill 12 wicker baskets. God provided for them. He made sure that no one went without.

God will provide for me and Nick as well. It may not be when I want, but He will provide. I'm taking a huge leap of faith here. Whatever is meant to be, will be.

I'm still accepting prayers though! :-)

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