Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Sorry I didn't update earlier!

I did call the doctor and the doctor said to go to the Women's Evaluation Unit. So we did. Again, just to find out that "yes, I'm contracting" and "no it's not progressing". This time they didn't give me procardia. They gave me trebutiline (that's totally spelled wrong I'm sure, I just don't have the motivation to look it up!) which is a shot that makes your contractions stop but makes you antsy. They kept me hooked up to the monitors for awhile to make sure the contractions were slowing down. When I got there they were around 2 minutes apart. After laying down in the hospital bed they were 4 minutes apart and after going to the bathroom they were 6 minutes apart. We were getting there. After the shot they slowed to more than 10 minutes apart and I was finally able to go home.

They told me that I was officially on bed rest. No more work. No getting up unless it's to shower or go to the bathroom. Or get food to eat if no one is here to help. Hopefully this will just be for a few weeks because then I'll be full term and it will be fine if Dominick decides to come.

Today was my first day on bed rest. I literally did nothing all day. Just laid in bed or on the couch. Watched t.v. or read a book. I even colored a picture with the coloring books and crayons I had for the kids on Christmas Day. It was boring. Crazy boring. Luckily my sister and Cecilia came over for lunch so that was a nice break. But other than that it was a long and quiet day. I'm lucky that this is a short week. Nick will be home with me on Thursday and Friday so that will be a big help. I won't be too bored.

I kept saying that I was almost wishing I was on bed rest a few of those crazy busy and stressful days working or cleaning or whatever I was doing. But now that I'm on bed rest, it's a sad day. Nothing to do but sleep, eat, read or watch t.v.

I hope these next few weeks fly by and I hope that when I do go into labor there is a clear cut sign that this is the real deal. My water breaking would be very very helpful.

I'll try to update more tomorrow.

1 comment:

Alissabeth said...

whew! I just posted on ovusoft wondering what happened to you, lady! I'm glad your little guy isn't here yet, but bummer about the bedrest! Be good and rest! I'm on IM if you want to chat - do you do googlechat? I'm not using the old aim name anymore...