Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Relief and July 4th

We did the IUI yesterday. I have to say, I'm relieved. No matter what, I get a break. And I'm thankful for that.

I think it went well. It was odd, going to the hospital on a holiday. It was so desolate. There were maybe 10 cars in the whole parking garage. We went up to the office and Mickey was there waiting for us.

She took Nick's "sample" and went back to get it ready. Nick, Dom and I waited in the waiting room. It only took about 15 minutes and she brought us back to the room. Nick and Dominick were running around the office because Dom didn't want to wait in the room.

Mickey said the procedure went perfect. She said that I make this look "easy" and everything went exactly the way it should. I'm hoping she's right.

After the procedure, I stayed in the room for about 15 minutes and then we got up to go. I had written a long thank you note in a card for Mickey, so I gave it to Dom and he ran it up to her. She seemed grateful. I want to do something more for her but Monday morning was a little hectic and a thank you note was all I had time for.

When we finally left, we headed to breakfast. We felt we needed a nice big breakfast so we went to Bob Evan's. Dommie was such a good boy!! And ate all his fruit. That kid could live off of fruit if we let him!

After we were stuffed, we headed to my parents house to go swimming. I love that my folks have a pool. It was just what I needed after stressing about this IUI for weeks.

The rest of the day was just relaxing. Just what the doctor ordered.

Now we have a wonderful 2 week wait ahead of us. I'm pretty sure I'll be able to hold off on testing early this time. I'm just done with everything that I probably won't be too anxious...well I say that now.

July 19th is looking like the day we'll know.

Please keep saying prayers. :)

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