Thursday, September 24, 2009

Thank Goodness...

Ms. Stella lives so close!!

So I definitely can't find my keys today...Not in my purse, on the key holder, on the table, etc. etc. etc. They may be in the car. I used Nick's keys to drive to basketball last night so they could be locked in my car. Or they could be in the pants I wore yesterday. I didn't think about checking the pockets of those pants until I got into work (thanks to Mike!).

Since I couldn't get in my car, I had to walk Dommie to daycare today. It's only a quarter mile so it wasn't a big deal at all. I'm just thankful she lives so close that this was an option!

Now everyone say a prayer to St. Anthony to help me find my keys!!

Tony, tony, look around!
Something's lost and it must be found!
Please help me find my keys!!

1 comment:

Les said...

I hope your find your keys!!