Friday, October 10, 2008

Some Happiness

I think everyone who would read this already knows this, but just in case: I am 24 weeks pregnant with my and Nick's first child, a baby boy. We have already decided on a name and he is Dominick Robert Westerheide. Today was my 24 week ultrasound.

A little background: I get ultrasounds and check-ups done all the time. I am a high risk patient because of a few different reasons. One: Nick and I have had two miscarriages. The first one was when I was 7 1/2 weeks pregnant and the second on I was 5 weeks pregnant. Two: I have a blood clotting disorder called MTHFR (I am homozgous for the C mutation). And finally, three: I have had a few surgeries on my cervix, so they are afraid of pre-term labor. So going to the doctor is nothing new for me.

Usually Nick gets to come with me. However, his work schedule has changed and he can't come anymore. :( But this week I got Ashley Wilson to come with me, so that was fun! Here's what they had to say.

Dominick looks great! I am now measuring a week and a half ahead. This doesn't really mean much, but he is growing nice and strong! My clinical due date is January 30, 2009 and this ultrasound showed me at a due date of January 20, 2009. So who knows when he'll really come! He is now 1 lb. 14 oz. So he is getting to be a big boy already!

The doctor who I saw today was very very nice and told me that since everything looks so great, I don't need to come in again for 6 weeks instead of in 4 weeks. He told me I get time off for good behavior. :) I was very very excited to hear that.

I will add some pics in another post since I can't figure out how to do it here!!

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