Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Where is that tooth already??

Dominick seems to be teething and has seemed to be teething for quite sometime now, but still there is no tooth!

He's drooling like crazy. He gnawing on anything he can get his hands on. He likes his gums rubbed. But still, no tooth.

I really hope he gets one soon! I feel bad for the poor kiddo! Teething can't be fun...

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Laurel has been doing this for awhile also. The ped said they could do that for several months before a tooth actually breaks through. When you feel of his gums, do you feel a hard place like a tooth? If so, he may be getting closer (unfortunately Laurel's gums are still pretty soft so I think we've got a lot of time left before we see that first tooth).