Here's how it started: I picked him up after work from home (Nick had gotten him from daycare) and he and I met my sister at Incarnate for the Incarnate Word vs. St. Joe soccer game. It was a big fundraiser and was supposed to be a good game. He was sooo good at the game. Everyone thought he was so cute and sweet and he was. He just sat in my lap and watched the game. Then we went home afterward. (GREAT game by the way, IWA won 2-1 in overtime!!) He was still good then. Nick and his brother went to the movies so Dom and I caught up on our shows on the DVR. (Mainly Dancing with the Stars - How is Ty still on?!?!?!) He ate around 9 and I put him down at 9:30. He was so good. Went right to bed. So I climbed into bed and continued reading my book (Deception Point by Dan Brown - Excellent so far). Then at 10:15 he was up and crying. I went into his room and he had broken out of his swaddle. So I changed him and tried to reswaddle him. Nope, he wasn't having it. So I started his mobile again and left the room. He was good until about 10:50. So I went back in. I thought maybe he was a tad hungry so I gave him a few more ounces of formula. Still can't swaddle him. He eats. I lay him back down, restart the mobile again and leave. He's up at 11:30. So I said, forget it. He can cry. Well Nick got home around then and heard him crying. So he went in. Dominick had cried himself the length of the crib and had his head pressed against the bars crying. Nick put him back in the middle and tried to swaddle him. Still no swaddling. So he agreed with me. Dom was going to have to cry himself to sleep. He finally fell asleep around 12:30 or 12:45 this morning.
You would think through all this he would sleep in. Oh no. He was up crying at 5:45 this morning. Nick went in and changed him while I made a bottle. Nick went back to bed while I fed him for a few more minutes. At 6:30 when Nick left for work and Dom was done eating I had to put him back down. I was exhausted. I needed a little more sleep.
So Dom went down. The mobile went back on. And I climbed back into bed. He did fall back asleep thank goodness. And I slept like a baby! My friend Michelle gave me this eye cover thingy for your eyes so you can sleep whenever and it is AMAZING. I get the best sleep with it on and I can sleep anytime during the day.
And it's so cute! "Do Not Disturb!" I love it.
After I hit snooze for the 4th time, I got up. Twenty minutes later than I meant to sleep. I went in to get Dom and he was out. He had finally decided to sleep and I had to wake him up to get him ready for daycare. Here's what he looked like when I went in to get him at 7:20:
I got him up and got him ready for daycare. Yesterday at work we all got camouflage hats from one of our vendors so I decided to put him in his camouflage outfit today. He was so cute! Here he is getting ready for daycare and ready to hunt!
I really hope that he got this crazy sleeping thing out of his system and he's a good boy tonight. It's still early and I'm already exhausted today!!
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