Thursday, November 13, 2008

A few pictures

We didn't get as much done last night as I would've liked. When I got home, Nick wasn't home yet so I waited for him to get home. When he did, he told me that he wanted to go to his friend, Bobby's house to play Rock Band. Well I wanted to put some furniture together. So we compromised. Nick brought up the dresser (by himself! he's crazy!!) and together we put the changing table together and brought that upstairs. After we were done with that, Nick took a shower and went to Bobby's. Here's a picture of the furniture and the light fixture we have in the baby's room.

The dresser up against the wall with the slant and the hamper we got at our first shower.

Here is the changing table. Obviously, that wall isn't done yet. We have to finish that wall, but that is where the changing table will be once the wall is done.

And finally:

This is Dominick's light! We love it and it matches the bedding and the theme perfectly!!

So that is all we got done last night. Hopefully we'll get the crib put together this weekend.

After Nick went to Bobby's, he texted me and told me to come over. I did and the boys talked me into playing Rock Band. I originally went over there to make fun of the boys but once I started playing I realized, that game is awesome!! I'm addicted to Rock Band. I only tried playing the bass but I mastered the "easy" setting and even did a song on "medium"! Now I need to get that game for Nick so I can play at home too! :-)

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