For Daddy, Dominick and I went to a place called "The Painting Paw" in Chesterfield, MO. They had a ton of stuff to choose from. You pick something out and paint it. You can use their stencils or just do something unique. After you are done, they fire it up and do the finishing touches and it's food safe, etc. Dominick picked out a snowman plate for Daddy and put his blue handprint in the middle of it. We had them write "Merry Christmas Daddy" on the front and "Love, Dominick 2010" on the back. I think he liked it. I know I would of!
After Nick opened that, we let Dom open one present. It was a Go, Diego GO! adventure land Hot Wheel thingy. It was just a small $8.99 toy I found while leaving Target's toy section one day and it ended up being Dom's favorite.
Once Uncle Mike got there, we opened all the presents together!
Uncle Mike got a plate like Daddy's! Only Uncle Mike's was a reindeer and Dom's handprint was red. :) He also got a turning spice rack, three spice rubs for grilling and a Grilling cookbook!
Dom got his new Thomas the Train bedding from Uncle Mike. Unfortunately, Uncle Mike got him the twin bedding because that's all he could find, and Dom's still in a toddler bed, so hopefully I can return it and make it work. If not, I guess we'll just save it!
Dom also got a Black and Decker tool set, to be like Daddy, a big toy sorter thingy for his room, and some blocks from Santa.
Dom's last present on Christmas morning was to see his new big boy room. It was the first time he got to see it all put together. He got to see his train table all together and see some other toys too. Dom was in heaven. He ran right in and went nuts. All the time Nick and I spent on getting that train track perfect was wasted, because it was in pieces pretty quick. But Dom had fun. And that's all that mattered.
It was a very Merry Christmas morning at our house. :)
big boy room, complete with a breast pump! ha! :)
His room looks great! And that plate is adorable.
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