Friday, December 17, 2010


Yesterday was a very productive day for me, but started off awful.

I was lying in bed when I got a text from my immediate boss, Mike Jr. He told me that the roads were bad and to take my time and just be in by 9:00 am (I normally start at 8). I said, ok, and went back to bed. About an hour later I got another text saying, "Roads are worse than we thought...10 am at the earliest". So I was thinking, score! I get to sleep in and take my time and it will be a great morning. At 8 am, I got a phone call from the big boss, Mike Sr. He told me that the roads were bad and not a lot was going on and I should just stay home for the day. That was fine with me!

So I let Dominick sleep in and then we took our time getting ready. I decided that if I was going to be home for a day, I might as well be productive! So I got Dominick ready for daycare and then I was planning on working my tail off on our house. We have a lot of people coming over next week for a Christmas gathering and I had work to do.

After Dommie and I were all bundled up, we headed outside. The steps looked ok, but not great, so I decided to carry Dominick down the stairs...

The first set of steps went fine.

The second set of steps were not fine.

I made it halfway down and my feet flew out from under me. I had Dominick in my right arm so I tried leaning to my left so he wouldn't get hurt. I also wanted to stay on my back because I didn't want to land on my belly and hurt the baby either. When I landed (straight on my back) my eyes filled up with tears because it hurt but I was even more afraid that I hurt Dominick.

"Are you Ok? Are you Ok? Are you OK???" I asked him after I got up. He looked fine but I was afraid he threw his arm down or something and broke it or something horrible. He looked up at me and said, "I'm ok Mama".

Oh thank God. I made the decision then that I'd rather walk him to daycare than drive because if it was this bad I didn't want to total a car too.

In hindsight...that was dumb. The roads were probably MUCH safer than the sidewalk death traps we were walking on, but that's neither here nor there at this point.

So we walked. I carried Dominick the whole way (well it's only 1/4 mile so it wasn't that hard - but I am 25 weeks pregnant, so give me some credit). We walked mainly in the snow covered grass area between the sidewalk and the street, only coming out into the sidewalk when a big "Look Mama! Twee!" blocked our way. Every time I was on the sidewalk, I slid. I never fell again, but I slid.

And every time I slid, Dominick's eye went wide and he gasped and said, "Are you Ok Mama?!?". And I had to smile and kiss him and say, "Yes baby, I'm ok".

We made it to daycare without any other incidents. I dropped him off and headed back. I was almost to our street when my neighbor was driving and saw me. She pulled over and gave me a ride back home. She's a nurse and she asked if I was since she saw I had been crying. I told her I fell. She assured me that the baby was fine and asked about me. I told her I was fine, it just hurt. When we pulled up to the house, her husband walked me up the stairs to my front door and then he poured salt on our stairs and sidewalk. God bless him.

I went inside and went straight up to bed. I laid in bed until about 11:30. Then I came downstairs, made a quick and easy lunch and headed to the basement couch. I ate lunch and watched Top Chef. Then around 12:30, I got moving.

And then I was productive!! I was still sore, but I got a lot done. I rearranged the basement and organized Dom's toys (and Man does he have a LOT of toys). I dusted the whole basement. I did three loads of laundry. I went upstairs and cleaned the kitchen. Like SCRUBBED cleaned the kitchen. I cleaned the stove. I even cleaned the inside of the oven. I went to the front room and rearranged furniture in there. I brought a bookcase out of Dom's big boy room and brought it to the front room. I moved all the books from the old nasty bookcases to the new bookcase. I moved the old bookcases out of the front room (to either go in storage, or on Craigslist). I did some hard work.

After all this, it was almost 3:30 which is when Nick gets home. He came home and told me that his mom fell on the ice. She was ok, but sore and couldn't go to Nick's sister's house to watch the kids while Kate when to get Nick's brother from the airport. So we loaded up the diaper bag and headed to get Dom. We got him and headed to the airport.

We picked Dan up and dropped him off at Nick's mom's house. Then I was done...

All in all, it was a very productive day... But I still have a lot to do...And my back still hurts...stupid ice.

1 comment:

Laura said...

yikes! i got teary eyed just reading about it... hope your back feels better soon... take it easy mama!